Offering three main facials and dermaplaning

All-In-One Facial Transformation Powered By Cutting-Edge Technology And Simple-To-Use Software

MediSpa's True Facial CleanseTM delivers immediate and dazzlingly noticeable results within 60 minutes when you need a treatment that brings the "wow" factor in. There is no downtime. Seven treatments work in tandem to give you the best skin you've ever had, all without the use of needles or lasers.
The AquaPeel handpiece, which can purge, vacuum, exfoliate, and infuse serums into the skin, is at the heart of the device. It effectively removes blackheads, dead skin, and other debris from the pores in a way that no other aesthetic tool can.
But that's only one part of the puzzle. The Hot/Cold wand opens the pores to allow for deeper, more thorough cleansing. The ultrasound and radiofrequency (RF) handpieces stimulate the body's natural collagen production and skin health. Through low-level electric stimulation, the microcurrent provides facial definition and lift.
Each treatment improves the one before it.
Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your face. It’s also called microplaning or blading.
Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and radiant. This treatment claims to remove deep scarring from acne and uneven pockmarks on your skin. It’s also used to remove “peach fuzz,” the short, soft hairs on your face.
Dermaplaning can be used for any skin type and anyone with acne scars, dull skin, dry skin, sun-damaged skin, and fine wrinkles.